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Interview w/ top Surf photographer / artist - Jon Steele

Recently, I had the great fortune to interview Surf photographer / artist / traveler Jon Steele for The Bend Magazine. His answers to some of my questions have to be the most inspirational I've received, as is his art - which will be shown during his latest "Strong Current" exhibit at the Art Center of Corpus Christi, Jul. 14-Aug. 19.

Here is the interview:

1. What got you into photography?

I was introduced to photography from an old girlfriend and her father who ran a newspaper in Laredo when I was about eighteen years old. We traveled together into Mexico for months at a time and I started borrowing her camera and taking a few shots here and there to document so I could later paint that scene. It morphed into just photographing and then applying paint to my printed photos as the years passed and I brought my art back around full circle incorporating both paints and photographic imagery.

2. Describe the moment you realized this was what you wanted to do for the rest of your life?

The light went on when I saw other artists who could wield a pen or paint better than I and got scared that I wasn’t “good enough” to be an “artist”. I knew I had to make a living doing something that I loved as office cubicle life would have been the death of me. The photography kept growing on me with the help of the late Ann Flowers at Del Mar college as she really encouraged me to push what I was doing in the lab with my imagery. I owe a lot to her believing in me and allowing me to create art, fail and learn!

3. Traveling the world, documenting surf and oceans - what has been the biggest takeaway from that?

I feel that every person needs to take a walk about during their lives to really find who they are, soul search and find out what they are truly are made of. I want people to ask themselves what truly matters and really take in how magical and amazing this world really is. I feel more in touch with the world and views now that I have seen a lot of it and definitely makes one feel more “well rounded” as a human on this earth. It’s hard to put my finger on one aspect of the past twenty plus years of travel as I have learned and gained so much. If anything, it made me want to really show people the world and my view of it both positive as well as negative. I have been thrilled that people pay attention and follow my works and proud to teach others of what I have seen.

4. Now, tell me about this new exhibit - Strong Current?

When I was seven years old in Florida I was swept out to the Gulf in an undertow current and almost drowned. Instead of being scarred from the experience, I felt more awakened and intrigued by the ocean. I begged my mom daily to get me to the beach here in Texas so I could surf like the photo of The Pipeline in Hawaii I randomly found in a magazine one time as a kid which I proudly hung on the wall for years. Twenty plus years later this ‘Strong Current’ pulled me around the the world, allowed me to harness all the waves I could surf and grow to be a well rounded surfer, water-man, artist, photographer and a better person. I feel this showing is an incorporation of what I have learned, obtained, experienced and molded to create photography and art that I can share with the community I grew up with. I hope to inspire others to chase their dreams, conquer their fears and do what someone has told them what they “can’t “ do in lieu of failure. The only failure is if one doesn’t listen to this ‘Strong Current’ that is in all of us.

5. Where do you hope to go from here?

I would like my work to start making more of an impact and bring more consciousness to others about saving our oceans and not selling out our scenes for a dollar or an ego trip. To inspire the youth and make changes to help keep this amazing world as pristine for the youth to enjoy allowing everyone to experience it like I have. I’m really excited to start working on my newest book which will include the stories that never got told of our countless travels, adventures and the multitude of experiences that surrounded myself and my athletes.

6. Is there anything else you would like to add for the readers of The Bend Magazine?

I appreciate the platform The Bend Magazine and the Art Center of Corpus Christi has given me to share with the community I grew up in and show my perspective of the world I have seen throughout my travels. I would like to inspire the youth of our community to look into their fears and doubts and reach past those temporary stoppages to allow them to chase their dreams and find the happiness and satisfaction that comes with those accomplishments no matter how big or small.

7. Finally, who's your favorite surfer? And favorite photographer?

Gavin Beschen is one of my favorite surfers to work with and has been on the forefront of modern progressive surfing and etching his name into the proud list of those who master The Pipeline. He is my best friend and it is so very fun to work with pushing each other creatively in and out of the water. There are so many good athletes I enjoy working with who are pushing the envelope and make my job and imagery that more exciting. The Fletcher family, Jay Adams RIP, Eric Geiselman, Duane Peters and anyone who has a different approach to their craft, trade or board as well as pushing the envelope in their lives.

8. Favorite Photographer

Art Brewer is an iconic photographer whom I'm privileged to learn from, work with, call a friend and take his professionalism and work ethic and strive to carry that in my own career. Ron Stoner, Glenn E. Friedman, Peter Beard as well as Herbie Fletcher, Tom Servais, David Pu-u and many more amazing shooters are all very big inspirations to my approach in work and life. I couldn't tell you how many amazing shooters and artists I am able to call friends and grow within our industry and artistic life together. It truly is remarkable, considering I always doubted myself and just thought myself to be a "Grom from Texas" - whom no one in the Surf industry really wanted to hear talk about Texas surf in his hometown.

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